Why SPARQ Wealth

Published by Quentin on

I fell into managing my finances a little backwards. For years, I have been interested in real estate investing, passive income, and financial freedom. I was fascinated by all of the unique strategies people were using to build wealth – life insurance policies, Solo 401k’s, apartment syndications, BRRR, index funds…I wanted to do it all! 

What I completely missed was that I had NO idea what was going on with my own money! I had a checking account, savings account, and a couple of credit cards. Outside of paying my credit card balances (mostly in full ;P) every month, I had no idea where my money was going or how to make a change.

I got connected with Lesley Batson, founder of Rebel Rock Wealth, who helped me take control of my finances. We used a simple spreadsheet (Check out my ‘Resources’ tab to download the Spending Plan template worksheet we used), a finance tracking app, and a simple plan. My first goal, build-up a 3-month emergency fund!

For me, it was pretty sobering to sit down and look at how I was spending my money. I felt dumb, irresponsible, and that it would take years to get to the fun investments and real estate deals that excited me. What surprised me was that once I laid all of my money on the table (literally and figuratively), I gained a clear understanding of the steps I needed to take to start building wealth. I saw the impact of how eating out, buying more plants (typical millenial), and growing income can have on how quickly I could reach my goals. It was a mindset shift on every transaction, and financial freedom became a top priority.

Now I am not an advocate of living a bare-bones, frugal lifestyle (unless that is truly what you want), but I do believe that everyone can rebalance their spending to enjoy today, while also creating a financially independent future. It is all a balancing act.

As a lot of my friends and family know, I could talk about real estate and personal finance all day long. As I talked about my journey with them, I realized that they also struggled managing their own finances and didn’t know how to take that next step. Now, I do not claim to be an all-knowing financial guru; that being said, I do care about setting people up to live a life with the greatest opportunity. None of this is rocket science, but some accountability and guidance is all that you need to get going (at least it was for me!).

SPARQ Wealth is the kick in your ass to start building wealth and I am here to support you along the way!