About Me

Hello all! I am Quentin Brillantes. I was born and raised in lovely San Diego with my lovely parents (Rob & Krisa) and sister (Bronte). I am currently based in San Francisco, where you can find me trail running/hiking around the Bay or taking long walks on Ocean Beach. I’m a deal junky, outdoor lover, personal finance/real estate nerd and love activating people in my tribe towards their goals and dreams.

I majored in Finance at Wake Forest University and quickly realized it was not lighting my inner fire. After graduating in 2017, I turned down a job in the tech industry to take some time off (which turned into 2 years, oops). I attended & volunteered over 15 music festivals, road-tripped the west coast (has anyone actually used craigslist rideshare? I did!), traveled internationally, hopped between jobs in the service industry, resold clothes, and helped renovate/sell my parent’s home. One could say I was all over the place, and I would say you were absolutely right. Even though I was not saving any money, I was earning enough to support this chapter of my life and was loving it.

I drew a Scale-of-life in my journal that represented how balance my life was: free and fun versus structure and stability.

[Insert actural scale picture from journal]

I knew there was going to be a point where I would tilt to the other side.

Fast forward to Summer 2019, I moved up to San Francisco and was on the hunt for my first big boy job. I landed a paid internship working in commercial real estate, which met almost all of the criteria I created for myself months before (Woohoo!). I quickly transitioned into a full-time employee and was enjoying tipping my Scale-of-Life towards structure and stability. I started going down the rabbit hole of communities like Bigger Pockets and FIRE, where I realized there is a whole group of people creating wealth by a different set of rules – and I was hooked. Since starting a financial plan in January 2020, I have learned a ton and I am excited to share the path ahead!